About me and my campaign!
written by: Mr.B
No candidate is more of an enigma than Washington Governor Drew Lieberman. He’s a real newcomer with so little experience he gets made fun of on Letterman. That’s when Dave is being kind and not making fun of Lieberman’s soporific speaking style. Plus, there are rumors of skeletons in Lieberman’s closet. Huge skeletons: We’re talking elephants or even bigger things, like dinosaurs. Maybe bigger. Like a mountain. If mountains could have skeletons, that is. Still, he might be the greatest natural politician of our era, or any era. Time will tell if this campaign blasts off or blows up!
No candidate is more of an enigma than Washington Governor Drew Lieberman. He’s a real newcomer with so little experience he gets made fun of on Letterman. That’s when Dave is being kind and not making fun of Lieberman’s soporific speaking style. Plus, there are rumors of skeletons in Lieberman’s closet. Huge skeletons: We’re talking elephants or even bigger things, like dinosaurs. Maybe bigger. Like a mountain. If mountains could have skeletons, that is. Still, he might be the greatest natural politician of our era, or any era. Time will tell if this campaign blasts off or blows up!
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